The Life Newsletter

Principal – T4 W2 2024

Embracing Challenges, Inspiring Change: Courage in Action

Welcome back to college for Term 4. As we move through this term, I am reminded of the strength that lies in our College’s core value of Courage and our annual theme Embracing Challenges, Inspiring Change. These guiding principles serve not only as ideals but as daily invitations for our students to grow, learn, and face life’s uncertainties with resilience and hope.

Developing Resilience through Courage

Courage is often seen as a grand, heroic act, but at its core, it’s about doing what is right, even when it is difficult. It’s about having the inner strength to embrace the unknown, step out of comfort zones, and respond to challenges—not by avoiding them, but by facing them head-on. For Christians, demonstrating courage is deeply rooted in our faith, as we are called to trust in God’s presence and strength in the face of adversity.

In our increasingly complex world, developing resilience in our students is more important than ever. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity or setbacks, to learn from those experiences, and to emerge stronger, more capable, and more confident.

At college, students encounter various challenges, whether in the classroom, on the sporting field, or in social situations. How they respond to these challenges is key to their development. Do they give up, or do they see these moments as opportunities for growth? Our goal is to help them choose the latter—to see challenges as stepping stones rather than obstacles.

The Role of Courage in Building Resilience

Courage and resilience are intimately connected. When students show courage, they are not just acting bravely in the moment, they are laying the foundation for a resilient mindset. Every time they push through a difficult situation, they strengthen their emotional “muscle,” equipping them to handle future setbacks with greater confidence.

Here at OPAC, we encourage our students to adopt a “growth mindset”—a belief that their abilities can develop through dedication and hard work. This mindset, coupled with courage, helps them embrace challenges as part of their learning journey, rather than seeing them as reasons to retreat or give up.

A Challenge to Parents

As parents, it is natural to want to protect our children from hardship and difficulty. However, removing challenges for them can unintentionally hinder their growth. When we shield them from adversity, we deny them the opportunity to build resilience and develop the problem-solving skills they need to navigate life’s uncertainties.

I encourage you to allow your children to face appropriate challenges, whether it’s working through a difficult school task, resolving a peer conflict, or learning how to manage their time. Stand by them, offer support, but resist the urge to fix everything for them. By doing so, you help them develop the courage to face life’s ups and downs independently, and you empower them to bounce back stronger from adversity.

Practical Ways to Foster Resilience in your children

Normalise Challenges

It’s crucial to remind students that everyone faces difficulties, and it’s okay to fail. What matters is how they respond to those failures. When students see challenges as a normal part of life, they are more likely to embrace them.

Teach Problem Solving

Helping students break down challenges into manageable steps can build their confidence. When they learn how to solve problems effectively, they feel empowered to tackle whatever comes their way.

Encourage Reflection

Helping students break down challenges into manageable steps can build their confidence. When they learn how to solve problems effectively, they feel empowered to tackle whatever comes their way.

Celebrate Persistence

Recognise and celebrate the effort students put into overcoming challenges, even if the outcome isn’t perfect. This reinforces the value of persistence and hard work.

Embracing Challenges, Inspiring Change

As we continue through Term 4, I encourage all members of our college community—students, teachers, and parents alike—to think about how we can embrace the challenges we face, and how, by doing so, we inspire change in ourselves and in others.

When we foster courage and resilience in our students, we are preparing them not just for success in school but for a life of purpose, strength, and perseverance. These are the qualities that will help them navigate the uncertainties of the future, ready to face whatever comes their way, always bouncing back stronger than before.

Let us continue to encourage and uplift one another as we pursue our shared goal of life-changing, caring, quality Christian education.

God bless, 

Mrs Naomi Wilkins

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Learning Through Service
This term marks the beginning of service learning for our Senior School, offering students opportunities to serve and learn through real-world experiences. One such experience is visiting local Anglicare residents, where students can hear and record their life stories, building connections across generations. 
Additionally, both Senior and Junior School students can contribute this Christmas season to our community through meaningful initiatives, such as food drives, to support those in need. These activities help to foster personal growth and learning as students understand the importance of service. More information on upcoming opportunities will be shared soon.