The Life Newsletter

Junior School – T4 W2 2024

From New Faces to Farewells

Welcome to Term 4. It is hard to believe we are in the final term of 2024 – but we are. At this time of the year, I am busy meeting with families as they bring their children for enrolment interviews. I love seeing the mixture of excitement and nervousness on the faces of the children (and sometimes parents too!) as they come to talk about starting ‘big school’. I also love hearing from parents what it is about our College that makes them want to send their children here.

Overwhelmingly, parents are seeking more for their children than just learning to read, write and develop maths skills. They want their children to feel safe, like they belong and are cared for. They want their children to grow in understanding and ability to demonstrate persistence, kindness, empathy, problem solving, creativity and questioning. They want their children to learn how to relate well to others. These are things that our staff want for all our students as well. 

We know that children need much more than instruction in curriculum – they need to be shown and given opportunities to develop the skills that will stay with them as they move through school and into the workforce. Children are such a precious gift, and I am thankful for our College parents who trust us to guide and nurture them as they grow and learn. This term, through the Kindergarten Parent information evening and Kindergarten and Prep visits, we will welcome a group of new parents whose children will be starting their learning journey with us in 2025.

At the same time, this is the final term of primary school for our Year 6 students. Many of these students have been part of the OPAC family since they started in Prep. They have grown and changed in so many ways and are showing us that they are nearly ready to move on to Senior School. Term 4 is both a time of beginnings and endings. It is also the term for IPSSO finals, Year 1 swimming, our annual Christmas Concert and Celebration assemblies. As always, we have much to look forward to.

God bless, 

Mrs Jenny Squire
Deputy Principal – Head of Junior School


K-2 Athletics Carnival

K-2 Athletics Carnival was a fantastic day filled with energy and excitement! Our youngest students gave their all in a range of fun events, showcasing both effort and enthusiasm. Congratulations to everyone who participated and cheered their classmates on – a great day of teamwork and fun!”


The Summer IPSSO season continued during Weeks 1 and 2. In Week 1 we had a bye, with each team training during sport time. This was a good way to start the term, back training with our teams and blowing out the cobwebs! In Week 2, we played against Wollondilly Anglican College. All our teams played with great sportsmanship and determination, which was great to see. Well done to our senior basketball team, who won 76-5, the junior basketball team who won 14-6, both girls soccer teams who won 1-0 and the junior Oz Tag team who won a very close game, 8-7.

3-6 College Sport

This term, our Year 3-6 students began learning Zumba skills from an expert instructor, Miss Sarah as well as netball and cricket skills from our teachers. These skills will benefit them as they develop their sporting skills and prepare to participate in the House Cup at the end of the term.

Year 1 Swimming Program

On Thursday Week 1, the Year 1 Swimming Program began. This is the most important part of our College Sport program in all of Junior School, as the swimming skills these students are learning could save their life. In Australia, so many children drown in each year, so it is really important that every child knows how to swim. This program will run for the next few weeks and will equip these students with the essential skills to swim and survive in the pool and other bodies of water.

Todd Woodbridge Cup Regional Finals

On Monday Week 2, several student represented the College at the Stage 2 Todd Woodbridge Cup Regional Finals. They played with outstanding skill, perseverance and sportsmanship. They finished in third place, which means they have qualified for the State Finals in Week 6. Permissions will go out for this event soon.

Berry Interschools Equestrian Championship

During the last school holidays, Jazlyn in Year 5 and Evie in Year 6 competed in the Berry Interschools Equestrian Championship. Both girls competed in 6 events, representing the College brilliantly, showing excellent sportsmanship. Evie came 1st in the Show Hunter and 1st in Hack Handler. Jazlyn came 3rd and 4th in two of her show jumping events and 2nd and 4th in her Sporting events. We are very proud of both of these students!

CSSA and CIS Nominations

From time to time, the College can nominate some of our exceptional athletes to trial for CSSA or CIS representative teams. These teams are selected for high level representative competitions, drawing from almost 100 schools across NSW. If you would like the College to nominate your child for one of these events, please follow the procedure below:

  1. Go to the CSSA website to see the list and dates of these trials (
  2. Email me (, expressing your child’s interest, background, and skills in the sport
  3. If they fit the requirements of the trials, I will nominate them to attend 
  4. Attend the trials with your child

Upcoming Events

Week 3

Wednesday (30/10)

  • IPSSO training at 7.45 am for all students selected in an IPSSO team.
  • IPSSO games against Macarthur Anglican School. Girls soccer, Oz Tag and basketball at MAS and cricket at Cut Hill Reserve. Junior games begin at 11.30 am, and senior games start at 1 pm.

Thursday (31/10)

  • Year 1 Swimming program

Week 4

Wednesday (6/11):

  • IPSSO training at 7:45am
  • IPSSO games against St Gregs. All games at St Gregs. Junior games at 11:35, Senior games at 1pm.

Thursday (7/11):

  • Year 1 Swimming program

God bless, 

Mr Joshua Barber
Junior School Sports Coordinator