The Life Newsletter

Duke of Ed Spotlight – T3 W8 2024

An Incredible Bronze Qualifying Journey

Week 7 was an exciting week for the Duke of Edinburgh team, with 27 Bronze/Silver Award participants undertake the Qualifying Journey. Students began at Hornsby, and completed 23km of the Great North Walk to Berowra Waters. 22 Year 9 students were completing their Bronze Qualifying Hike, and 5 Year 10 students were completing their Silver Practice Hike. 

The adventure started with an early wakeup and departure from school at 7:30am. After making it to the starting point in Hornsby we narrowly avoided a slight scare to find a ‘TRACK CLOSED’ sign… Thankfully after a call to National Parks, we were told the signs were coming down and were given the all clear to proceed! 

Students were split into three groups. Mrs Van Loon led the first group, Mrs Chow the second, and myself the third. The staggered start allowed students the opportunity to truly practice their navigation skills without running into the groups in front of them too often. We were lucky to have fantastic weather, a beautiful (although sometimes a bit too warm) 27 degrees and sunny!  

After a long day of hiking trails, climbing over rocks, and plenty of wrong turns from each group (which ended in a 2 hour detour for Mrs Van Loons group), we ended the day at Crosslands Reserve. After erecting our tents, waiting for everyone to arrive and settling in it was time to cook dinner. Our cooking circle around the fire made for good laughs, reminiscing, and reflections on the days challenges. 

After a surprisingly cold nights sleep, students arose and prepared themselves for Day 2 of the adventure. This day was much shorter, but a steep ascent early on of around 200m of elevation made for slow going. Each group made it up the mountain and from here it was smooth sailing to the pickup point. The students were very excited to find the smiling face of Mr Chavura awaiting with Icy Poles for everyone. 

Each student should be extremely proud of themselves for conquering a challenging route. Our students demonstrated the OPAC difference with their strength of character, smiles even when it was hurting and positive attitudes at all times. A huge thank you to Mrs Chow and Mrs Van Loon for giving up time with their families to make sure students had a memorable (and safe!) experience. 

Please enjoy some photos of the students adventures on the Great North Walk! 

God bless, 

Mr Rohan Miller
Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader