Senior School – T2 W2 2024

Learning Legalities and Lattes Term 2 kicked off with a flurry of activities, offering a diverse range of experiences for our students, including Social Media Law seminars, excellence in sport, cross-country and making the perfect cup of coffee. Social Media Law Seminars Senior school students engaged in an enlightening seminar led by Lara Menon, a […]

Junior School – T2 W2 2024

An eventful beginning of Term 2 Welcome to Term 2! The first two weeks of term have been very eventful in Junior School. Last Thursday and Friday our Year 5 students travelled to Bathurst for an overnight stay and goldfields experience. I talked with some of them as they were getting off the bus at […]

Principal – T2 W2 2024

Celebrating Mothers and Cultivating Curiosity Welcome back to Term 2 and a special acknowledgement to all our mothers and grandmothers as we celebrate Mother’s Day this week. It was wonderful to gather together this chilly morning, warmed up by a BBQ breakfast as we spent time with our mothers and mother figures to express our […]

Commemorating ANZAC Day

To commemorate ANZAC Day, our college engaged in a variety of activities to honour those who have fought and continue to serve in wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations. These activities also aimed to educate our students about the sacrifices made for our freedom. Both the Junior and Senior schools held assemblies where students shared stories […]

Harmony Day shows it’s beauty

six junior students wearing cultural dress for harmony day

As a College, we participated in celebrating Harmony Day to showcase our cultural diversity and promote respect for all people and a sense of belonging to our community. It was wonderful to see students proudly dressed in their traditional clothes, wearing the colours of their background country or orange to show support for our diverse […]

Congratulations to the Class of 2023

whole grade photo of year 12 2023

I am very pleased to share with you some of the highlights of the results of our Class of 2023. We are delighted for all 29 students who have done so well despite facing many challenges over the past three years. They have responded with a sense of courageous optimism, application to their studies and great tenacity, […]

“Of Hope As We Grow”: Celebrating OPAC’s Journey

Crafted by the Senior School Creative Writing Service group, our eBook, “Of Hope as We Grow,” invites you to explore OPAC’s transformative journey. At its core are five foundational values: Courage, Compassion, Collaboration, Curiosity, and Craftsmanship. These values not only define our College but also resonate through the exceptional student works featured in this first […]