The Life Newsletter

Principal – T3 W6 2024

Disconnect to Better Connect with Others

This week, new legislation came into effect granting employees the ‘right to disconnect.’ This initiative is a significant step forward in promoting a healthier work-life balance, a priority we wholeheartedly support at our College. We are deeply committed to the well-being of our staff, who pour their hearts into making our College a place where each student can thrive. This legislation encourages our staff to recharge, spend time with their loved ones, and return to school each day renewed and energized.

In many ways, schools have been ahead of the curve for some time, with policies assuring parents that we will always respond as soon as possible—usually within 24 hours during the working week. I know parents appreciate that the majority of our school day is dedicated to teaching their children, with recess and lunch breaks often involving playground supervision or co-curricular activities.

While email is a convenient way to communicate after hours, especially when a phone call isn’t possible or when the College office is closed, it is also a choice whether or not we open our work emails after hours. Just as I would encourage every student to disconnect from screens, social media, and devices, I equally recognize the importance for our staff to maintain reasonable hours with their emails—both professional and personal.

This week, we were also delighted to offer parents an opportunity to witness their child’s learning in action through our Junior School Open Classrooms. These visits provided a brief snapshot of the vibrant learning environment at OPAC, and we are grateful to the parents and grandparents who were able to attend. Your presence and involvement play a crucial role in your child’s educational journey. By partnering with us, you help reinforce the lessons learned at the College and strengthen the home-school connection that is so vital to their success.

God bless, 

Mrs Naomi Wilkins

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Studies Exchange Program: Bridging Cultures Through Language and Learning

Last week, our school welcomed a group of Japanese students from Tachibana High School, located in Tokyo, Japan, in a vibrant cultural exchange that left a lasting impact on both our visitors and our own students. Over the course of the week, these students engaged in English language lessons, shared their rich Japanese culture, and worked closely with our students to improve their Japanese language skills. This experience was a wonderful opportunity to strengthen ties between cultures and foster mutual understanding through language learning and collaboration.

Immersive Language Lessons

Throughout the week, our Japanese guests participated in tailored English language lessons that focussed on communication, comprehension, and confidence-building. These sessions were designed to help them practice their conversational English in real-life settings, from ordering food to discussing topics of interest with their peers. Our students had the chance to act as language partners, helping their new friends navigate the intricacies of English, while also learning to communicate across cultural boundaries.

These lessons were not just about grammar and vocabulary—they were about building connections. Our students quickly discovered that, despite the language barrier, they shared common interests, from music and sports to fashion and technology. By the end of the week, everyone had made new friends and developed a greater appreciation for the challenges and rewards of learning a new language.

Showcasing Japanese Culture

One of the highlights of the week was the showcase of Japanese culture. The visiting students prepared a series of cultural presentations and workshops that gave our school community a glimpse into the beauty and traditions of Japan. From tea ceremonies and calligraphy to traditional dance and music, our visitors shared their heritage with pride and enthusiasm.

The cultural exchange was a two-way street, as our students were eager to learn and participate. Many of them tried their hand at writing kanji characters, folding intricate origami, and even mastering the art of calligraphy. These activities not only brought Japanese culture to life but also sparked curiosity and excitement about the world beyond our borders.

Collaborative Language Learning

One of the most rewarding aspects of the exchange program was the opportunity for our students to practise their Japanese language skills with native speakers. During the week, our students worked alongside the Tachibana High School students in various language workshops and collaborative projects. This real-world practise helped them build confidence in speaking Japanese, while also allowing them to deepen their understanding of the language through cultural context.

Our classrooms buzzed with energy as students collaborated on language games, worked on group presentations, and even tackled some translation exercises. These collaborative sessions helped bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-life communication, providing a more immersive and hands-on approach to language acquisition.

Strengthening Global Connections

This week-long exchange program was more than just an opportunity to practise language skills—it was an enriching experience that underscored the value of cultural exchange and global connections. Both our students and our Japanese guests walked away with new friendships, improved language abilities, and a broader perspective on the world.

As we reflect on this incredible week, we are reminded of the power of education to bring people together, regardless of where they come from or what language they speak. We are incredibly proud of our students for embracing this opportunity with open minds and open hearts, and we are grateful to our Japanese visitors for sharing their culture and knowledge with us.

We look forward to visiting Tachibana High School in September, as we continue to build bridges between cultures, foster global understanding, and equip our students with the skills and experiences they need to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world.

God bless, 

Mrs Maria Mertzanakis
Deputy Principal of Senior School – Teaching and Learning